

  • Tie-up product

    We provide total support from planning and development to proposals for a variety of products, including food, sundries, luxury goods (including time out food and drinks), as well as quality control and logistics coordination.

Sales planning for products with temperature zone changes

Let us know if you have any requests for product development.
We have affiliate factories all over the country and have a track record of tie-up product development in Western and Japanese sweets, side dishes, and beverages.
※ Will differ depending on the season and other usage conditions.

Proven record😃

  • Orange

  • Mango

  • Peach

  • Pineapple

  • Apple

  • Whipped cream


  • Cucumber

  • Cabbage

  • Watermelon

  • Strawberry

  • Kiwi

  • Konjac (Yam cake)

Area products Excavacation

We are working on specification change development, so that we can sell regional products at special events and distribute them nationwide.

  • 1. I want to deliver locally limited products to other areas!

  • 2. If we deliver to distant areas, the quality of the product will deteriorate…

  • 3. Development to keep the same quality during freezing and chilling processes

  • 4. Freeze each product with its original tasty flavor!

  • 5. Delivered in the quantity you need, in the right form for the area you need it in!

Quality control

In order to supply safe food products securely, we conduct quality control to "comply with all laws and regulations" and "meet the quality requirements of our customers".

Items of common understanding with our designated factories

1. Certification of Indication

Confirmation of raw materials used, confirmation of additives used, confirmation of allergenic substances, maintenance of recipe, etc.

2. Prevention of Biological Hazards

Clear basis for setting expiration dates, confirmation through bacterial testing, etc.

3. Prevention of Physical Hazards

Implementation of factory inspections, implementation of measures to prevent hazardous foreign material contamination, delivery management, center management, etc.

4. Periodic factory audits and sanitary training for employees

Confirmation of raw materials used, confirmation of additives used, confirmation of allergenic substances, maintenance of recipe, etc.

List of Cases

Tie-up products Nippon Comsa has worked on in the past: