Nipoon Comsa has long been involved in food products as a pioneer in temperature zone change processing.
We are developing new specifications for area products to be sold at events and for nationwide distribution.
Freezing food (Frozen)
Store frozen goods in warehouse
Defrost only the amount of the order received,
and attach a temperature zone change (expiration date) label.
Delivered to dealers, to stores!
Managing Director. General Manager, Sales Division
Takeshi NASU
Temperature zone change logistics was initially created as a means of both maintaining quality and nationwide delivery, but has recently gained signficant attention as a solution to the problem of food loss due to prospective production.
"Responsibility to create and responsibility to use"
Since Japan has set a goal of halving food loss by 2030 compared to the year 2000, we believe that further development of temperature zone change logistics is very important to prepare for future food shortages.
Managing Director. General Manager, Sales Division
Takeshi NASU